Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jormungand: The Right Kind of Action

I've never really been a fan of over-the-top action just for the sake of action. However, some people like to just sit back and revel in the general bad-assery of a well-choreographed action sequence. Okay, I lied. I love to turn off my brain and enjoy a good action show once in a while. The framing and flow of a good action scene can really get the blood flowing. There’s only one problem. While exciting action sequences can be exhilarating, they belong more in the realm of movies than TV.

TV has to hook someone for episodes and seasons whereas a movie just has to keep your attention for a couple of hours. How does an action TV show keep an audience interested? I feel that the answer is found in an anime called Jormungand. Jormungand is funny, intense, intelligent, and full of action. All of these factors combine to create a show that can really keep an audience hooked.

Jormungand is about an impossibly pale weapons dealer named Koko Hekmatyar and her team of bodyguards. They travel the world selling weapons to governments, warlords, mafias, and terrorists. It doesn’t matter who they sell to as long as they have the cash. (Just don’t pay using drugs, she doesn’t like that.) The show focuses on plans to sell weapons, survive assassination attempts, and further Koko’s ultimate plan known as Jormungand.

Koko, cold and calculating
This show has many supporting characters each with their own arcs varying in importance. For the sake of this review, I will focus on the two main characters: Koko Hekmatyar and Jonah. Koko is a pale young woman who is equal parts goofy and immature as well as cold and ruthless. She always smiles, never showing her true feelings while carrying out all sorts of risky schemes. Although she doesn’t seem to take things very seriously or act cautiously, Koko is a master strategist. Her mind is always racing and planning. She is at least two steps ahead of everyone around her at any given time. This intelligence has gained her the respect of her subordinates (many of them hardened soldiers) who follow her orders without question. Her strange, goofy mannerisms combined with her young age cause people to underestimate her to their ultimate detriment. To those that follow her, she is kind and friendly; however, to her enemies, there isn’t a more cold, calculating, and ruthless angel of death.

Koko, lighthearted and goofy
Jonah is a child soldier who ironically despises weapons dealers. After his family was killed by soldiers armed with weapons dealt to them by Koko’s brother Kasper, he had always despised them. Needing a place to stay and a sense of direction in life, he decided to work for Koko as the newest addition to her bodyguard team. Koko has a soft spot for Jonah and treats him like a little brother while making sure he gets an education. The various team members attempt with varying levels of success to teach him math, science, and languages. Jonah’s dislike for weapons and weapon dealers results in him being a great commentator for the actions taken by Koko and her group. He softens his stance towards Koko as time goes on.

Overall, this show has an interesting, if a little trite, premise. Although the show excels at making sure all the supporting characters are unique, I wish the writers spent more time developing them and showing their stories and unique talents in different ways. I would’ve really liked to get to know the characters better as such. This is the biggest shortcoming with the show. Project Jormungand was not as interesting as I wanted it to be. I feel like the writers should’ve dedicated more screen time to the project and its development or canned the idea altogether. The show was very likeable already with its more episodic nature. I would rate this anime an overall score of 7.1/10. It's a pretty good show with pretty good characters and a pretty good premise. It isn’t a masterpiece by any stretch, but if you're itching for some action, it may be worth a watch.

H. Logan Christensen

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