Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Unknown Specials Christmas Countdown #8: The Snowman and the Snowdog

Even more baffling than the thought of THE Albino (From Princess Bride) as Father Christmas, Illuminated Film Company made a sequel to The Snowman. YES, THAT SNOWMAN! You know, the famous one that is animated so simply, yet beautifully and that has the song, "Walking in the Air" in it? 

So the special’s fantastic, although it also goes for the feels with little warning. If you thought The Snowman brought a tear to your eye, The Snowman and the Snowdog (2012) practically begins in that mood. But it has a lot of variance with the contemplative mood and no dialogue, just like its predecessor, and manages to capture the art style of the original accurately with different animation techniques. But the ending . . . well, about that... [insert spoiler-free rant on inconsistent writing here]. So, whereas The Snowman may toy with my feelings, it didn’t insult my intelligence like The Snowman and the Snowdog did in the last 2 minutes. Maybe you’re more forgiving and can overlook it, but even if you can't, the other 20 or so minutes do so much so right that Snowdog definitely deserves a watch.


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