Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Unknown Specials Christmas Countdown #15: Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever

Ah, Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever (2014) from Lifetime. Yes, the most questionable entry on this list. Hear me out--the movie’s self-aware that it’s a cheap cash grab, which unifies the film by mocking itself for its apparent flaws. The plot’s nothing special, just a combination of Home Alone and any "save the animal shelter" movie, but sets it in a mall after hours. That different setting alone provides an amusing twist. 

The film tells the obvious plot competently enough while also making the bad guys clearly incompetent from the beginning so the child and cat besting them honestly works. The plot and effects feel stock, but it honestly works as the movie’s feline is a meme and the movie’s just a quick Christmas cash grab, and since the movie’s mocking itself, it feels in the right style. But Aubrey Plaza as the voice of Grumpy Cat makes it all worth it. 

Probably the best casting choice and the child actress she plays against isn’t bad either. The movie’s a fun waste of time and sarcastically unembarrassed of what it is which honestly makes the heart tugging moments shine greater. Not the greatest comedy or drama, certainly not special but at least good enough. Like a Garfield comic, expectedly okay.

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