Monday, May 7, 2018

Best Classic Rock Bands of All Time

Hey guys, remember when we did the series on best Alt. Rock bands of all time?  Well, now we're moving on to the next sub-genre of rock, and that's gonna be "Classic Rock."  This series will be incredibly fun because we'll get to talk about some bands that have maintained their popularity over the course of many decades. 

So, who do you think we'll include in our line-up? Follow along with out posts over the next month or so and see if you agree with our band choices (as always, fee free to comment).

Also, the requirements for rating this sub-genre will be the same: one-hit wonders will not be included, and choices will be made based on bands or individual performers with overall success with more than one song/album.  Although some of those one-hit wonders are fantastic, we wanted to provide a rating system that goes beyond a list of "Best Rock and Roll Songs of All Time" because we think that, in making a list like that, you leave out too many great songs and risk becoming a little superficial in ranking the music.  This could also be because only ranking the best songs can tend to make you depend on popularity of the songs, not necessarily overall quality and interesting-ness.

Well, without further ado, let's begin!

--Corey C.

*First series post will come tomorrow*

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