Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Star Trek Fan Art: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Okay, so I did something I probably shouldn't have--I looked at a bunch of fan art online.  Now, although doing something like this usually leads to pain, anguish, and slight embarrassment, this time it actually produced some good results.  At least, that's the case with Star Trek fan art, which is legitimately interesting and, well, cool.  Even if you don't like the popular sci-fi series, you may just find this interesting.

So, I'll keep the writing in this article at a minimum and let the pictures speak for themselves.  I'll start out with some more serious, cool ones and then talk about some pretty hilarious ones.

1.) This one's awesome, and the artist made a video of her sketching the thing.  Love it.

2.) Woa... Really cool. :O

Source: here.
3.) These ones are so nice!  By the same artist.

4.) Some more for you (from this artist):

And now for the funny ones...

1.) This one's from a book called Star Trek: The Next Generation: Warped. Wesley falls off the ship. XD I feel like a terrible person laughing this hard right now.

2.) OMG! I love this!  Apparently the artist, Jenny Parks, did a whole book dedicated to swapping Star Trek characters with cats.  Hilarious and very, very cute!

3.) Leia=Captain Kirk?

Source: Here
4.) Oh no...

I don't know where this came from, but I will gladly source it if you know where it came from! 
The laughs are epic...
5.) It gets worse?

6.) And then there's "Pyroctaspock."  I can't even right now.  The hilarity astounds me.
I think the artist is here.  Not 100% sure though.

7.) Haha! This made my day.
From: here.

8.) WOW
From here.

9.) Lol, you'll get it if you've seen Star Trek: Next Generation.

10.) Haha!  Yes, just yes!
From: here. A play on the Klingon mantra, "Today is a good day to die!"
Well, ladies and folks, that's all for now.  Thanks for stopping by our blog; we hope you enjoyed some of the good, bad, and funny of Star Trek fan art.  See ya again soon!


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