Saturday, March 31, 2018

New Season of Fuller House?

Okay, let me start off by saying that Full House was my guilty pleasure as a kid, and it’s spinoff, Fuller House is my new guilty Saturday night go-to.  I know it’s not critically interesting for the writing, set, acting, or really anything else—it’s just that it makes the viewer feel good about life and about taking on the daily challenges that life presents.

For those of you who have been keeping up on the new show, season 3 left us on an interesting note; not much was left to wonder about, as the makers of the show played it safe in case the show was not renewed on Netflix.  And I actually think it was a rather good idea to end season 3 this way because you just never know what will or will not get cancelled these days.  However, even though the show left off like this and could potentially make content casual and die-hard fans alike, there was still a strong desire from loads of fans to continue the show (myself included!).  

News update:  There will be a season four!  We don’t know when yet, but it will come.  :)

I think this general want for more, despite obvious flaws in the show, comes from the fact that the Full House and Fuller House series succeed in connecting and relating with fans, which is not something most shows out there accomplish.  So these shows provide an intriguing study for how to make an admittedly imperfect tv show with incredible longevity.  Pretty cool if you ask me!

NOW, let me say a few things about seasons 1-3 before I talk about possible predictions for what I think season 4 might bring.

**Spoiler Alert!**

Let’s start with seasons 1-2 
(I binged them together, so they’re both a blur in my mind, haha).  

In these two seasons, we get reintroduced to old characters and simultaneously are introduced to new characters like DJ’s kids; Kimmie’s brother, daughter, and ex-husband; and Uncle Joey’s kids.  I though seasons 1 and 2 did a good job at rebooting the show by integrating all of these old and new characters together.  With that, I thought Fuller House did a great job working together nostalgia that is to be expected from the 80s/90s classic with current day problems faced by teens, adults, and children alike.  And those situations are notably different from those faced by DJ, Stephanie, Michelle, and the others back in the day, excluding some similarities.

There was also all that drama about who DJ will date in seasons 1 and 2, that went something like this:
—> DJ starts out single
—> She then starts liking the guy she works with at the vet clinic (Matt)
—> Then she finds out here high school sweetheart is available and wants to date him
—> Then she starts dating both of them at the same time
—> After that, she can’t decide who she wants to date
—> Next, both Steve and Matt start dating other people
—> Finally, Matt and DJ get back together 
—>Steve gets engaged to a character that was obviously 
        created to look and act almost exactly like DJ (her name is, not            
        surprisingly, CJ)

Corny? Yes.  A little much? Undeniably.  Sort of shallow?  Unfortunately.  But it was all somehow addicting because it was like eating a piece of a chocolate cake that you knew you should stop eating because too much is bad for you, but then you end up eating the whole rest of the freaking cake.  Yep, watching Fuller House is like eating too much cake and, honestly, regretting it only a little, even if it causes your brain to sink a few IQ points temporarily.  I don’t intend to sound mean—after all, I still watch the show—I just want to be honest about it from a critical standpoint.

On to season 3!

I won’t spend a ton of time here because I actually did not like it nearly as much as I did the first two seasons.  And my reasons may be a little controversial, but that’s okay. :)

Season three took the same idea that the first two seasons was based on and took it a little too far.  First of all, you have all of the same wacky drama but move it to Japan in episode 1, which I personally didn’t think work well.  Then there was DJ’s breaking up CJ and Steve at their wedding (ouch!), and I thought that was too much because Steve and DJ completely messed with CJ’s life just for their own sakes.  BUT that is not all.  DJ, while unfortunately ruining Steve and CJ’s wedding for which everyone went all the way to Japan, completely drooped poor Matt like a hot potato right after he proposed to her and she accepted.  I feel like anyone who got away with any of that in real life would totally be branded by most as “incredibly shallow” at best.

After all these crazy shenanigans occur, an similarly wacky rest of the season ensues and comes to an end with an 80s nostalgia-blinding party where there are somehow teens that agreed to wear some of the more embarrassing styles of the 80s.  You’s have to pay a kid a lot to dress like that—I know it would have taken a lot for me to do so!  Oh!  And lest I forget, the entire original, core cast seems to be moving back in to the San Francisco home with DJ, forcing DJ and her sister to move into the same room once again.  

Okay, I need to stop here for a reality check.  In no way that I could imagine would a grown woman who makes a handsome living in San Francisco agree to move into a childhood bedroom with her younger sister, as they did in primary school.  It just does not make sense to me.  I think what would realistically happen is DJ would end up getting her own place for her and her kids.  I mean, there really is no reason for her to live with so many other people while trying to raise a family.

But hey, screw reality when you’ve got zany drama!  Lol.  ^_^

And now, season 4 predictions!

I don’t want to disappoint here, but I don’t have a whole ton of for-sure predictions because the show, while mostly predictable, tries intentionally to do unpredictable things because they know the Full House shows are notoriously predictable.  However, I’ll try my best to guess what I think will happen.

1-People living in the house are all going to have conflicts at first (because there are way too many people who will all be living in the house) that will be resolved undoubtedly with hugs and quite possibly with someone moving out.  

2-Though Kimmy and Ramona have no desire to move out, even when they technically own the house next door, they may end up needing to do so.  Honestly, I hope they do because poor Fernando has been trying to get back with Kimmy for so long and has grabbed up every opportunity to do so…  I know he has his faults, but I feel like Kimmy has an overly shallow and flakey approach when it comes to deciding whether to remarry ex-husband or stay away.  I really wish she would just choose one option or the other.

3-The characters will continue to be judgmental of the eccentricities of Kimmy’s ex (in my opinion, I feel like they all sort of bully the guy for just being goofy and wanting to belong)

4-DJ and Steve will quite possibly get engaged/married.  If they don’t, I’m just giving up on DJ altogether. At that point, routing for her would be frustrating.  I was hoping for the Matt/DJ couple anyways, so I’m just not okay with the whole Steve thing personally for a variety of reasons.

5-There is definitely going to be a subplot about Danny over cleaning everything, despite the fact that the house is nearly aways spotless.

Well, that’s all of my predictions. I know I sound a bit… perplexed about why this show is successful and I’ll tell you I really don’t know 100% why it is, despite glaring flaws.  All I can say is I am somehow still a fan like many others.  For me, it’s likely because the original series was  a part of my childhood, but others have their varying reasons too.  So, although there are elements of the series that I really don’t care for, I want to stick with it until the new series is over; perhaps because of my reason stated prior, perhaps because I like train wreck shows deep down, or perhaps because I just like the positive feeling that the show leaves you with.  I don’t know, but whether you hate or love the show, I hoped you enjoyed reading our blog!  Let us know in the comments below what you think season 4 will hold.  Or share your opinions of the show.  My husband hates it, so negative opinions about it won’t hurt my feelings. :)

Number rating out of 10 
I would give the show a 5/10 because, despite its popularity, there are a lot of problems with it that I think prevent it from being more than 5/10.  Can't stop loving it for some reason though, haha.

Thanks and ciao for now!

Corey Cherrington

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