Monday, December 19, 2016

The Little Mermaid 2: a Paint by Number

I really liked The Little Mermaid. Really. It was the first of many movies that we have come to know as "the Disney Renaissance." We owe so much to the success of that film. Almost all of these incredibly popular films got sequels, including The Little Mermaid. Where do I begin with this movie...

Imagine for a moment that you are a writer that just hired on to Disney after getting an associate's degree in underwater basket weaving from Bo-diddly Tech. The only thing you really care about is having the fattest paycheck while doing the least amount of work; then, you're asked to write a sequel to the Little Mermaid. You watch the The Little Mermaid yourself and think, "If it worked once, why not try again?!"

The Little Mermaid 2 is basically a complete rip-off of the original with the primary differences being the likability of the characters (nonexistent), the music (irritating), and the impact (meh). The plot is constructed very similarly and uses a reverse of the original premise. Out of sheer principle, I won't spoil the ending for you, but I'm sure you can imagine it just fine. (For a review with spoilers included, watch the video analysis.)

There really isn't much to say about this film besides the fact that it's a waste of time and, if skipped, would save you a few minutes you could spend watching a better film. This is so obviously a cash grab by Disney thats seeks to reel in a younger audience and to try to get them to also watch the original, which is far more intelligent and mature. The Little Mermaid 2 was kind of like the diet soda of the original.

I love Disney movies and seeing this as the sequel to one of their most beloved properties is sad. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, but I was expecting a new sense of wonder and adventure to at least be present with some original elements. If I could sum up this movie in one word, it would be: disappointing. However, although disappointing, it was still tolerable. My impression of the original wasn't marred by this movie. I also didn't really hate it all that much; it simply was bland and forgettable, but for Disney, that may be the biggest crime of all.

BY: Logan Christensen

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