When we think about anime as a medium of entertainment, many Americans think of characters screaming nonsense while executing ridiculous sounding moves in a ten episode long fight. There's that and there's also that common misconception that all anime is in some way pornographic. This kind of stigma is not wholly unjustified as this kind of anime is pretty much what Americans have been shown or have seen among the occasional anime-obsessed teenagers. So when I bring up Cowboy Bebop and ask if anyone wants to watch, the response I get is: "Is it an anime? I don't really want to watch anime; you know, not really my thing."
For those more open-minded, watching Cowboy Bebop has shown people what anime is truly capable of as a medium, and is therefore an experience that everyone deserves to take part in. So, because of this, I'd say that this series is representative of what anime should be. And, guys, I love this series--love it. Everything about it is near perfect. Why is that so? Well, "get everybody and their stuff together. Okay, three, two, one, let's jam." --Theme of Bebop
<<You can watch the opening to Bebop by clicking on the video above!>>

The work which becomes a genre itself... What else can you say? There is literally nothing like this show. It's set in the year 2071 when mankind has settled the various moons and planets of the solar system after a technological accident caused the earth to become a less-than-ideal place to live. In this futuristic setting, there are numerous bounty hunters who help manage the near-lawlessness of these chaotic new frontiers. The group of bounty hunters we focus the most on in the show consists of the mysterious and beautiful Faye Valentine, the chill and cool Spike Spiegel, the experienced and confident Jet Black, the unpredictable and bizarre Radical Edward (Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV), and their trusty Welsh corgi, Ein. Together, they go on many adventures, fighting bad guys to the sound of western music, jazz, and the blues. Each character spends the series running from a past that they just can't get away from. With that, these bounty hunters (who all work together on a ship called the Bebop) have to confront their pasts in some way and they eventually do throughout the show.
The following aspects really stand out in Cowboy Bebop and make the show a true masterpiece:
- The Animation: The animation is stunning. Simply stunning. There is a kind of rough and tumble feel to the detail work, which complements the universe in which the story takes place perfectly. There are some tremendously soulful scenes where the animation is hauntingly beautiful, thoughtful, or high-energy. Each scene is taken advantage of and no corners are cut.
- The Music: You will be hard-pressed to find a soundtrack for a TV show that's better than the soundtrack of Cowboy Bebop. The bebop-style jazz, the soulful blues, and even the vocals are never awkward or out of place. They are always where they need to be. Often, the movements of the characters seem to be tied to the movements in the music. This makes the entire series almost seem like a sort of dance.
- The Characters: The characters are all complex and all have interesting backstories that define who they are. They all have troubled pasts that they must confront in different ways. It is interesting to see them continually run from their pasts as they go through all of these experiences and make realizations about what truly matters.
- The Plot: To the creators of Cowboy Bebop, the plot wasn't a major concern. Although there is a plot that loosely follows short stories that build the Bebop universe and develop the characters, the character development is what makes the show, rather than the stories in each episode making up a specific plot. This makes the series an easy transition for people that aren't crazy about long, continuing story lines and also for those who join viewers mid-season.
- Overall Quality: This may be the most impressive part. There are so many distinctive and unique elements coming together that stand out so well on their own, it would be hard to have them all gel together. The fact that they not only work together, but that they are essential to each other's success is nothing short of miraculous. Each distinctive element of Bebop blends into something brand new, unique, and emotionally powerful.

I will give this series a 10/10. This isn't a rating I give often, so I hope it convinces all of you to watch it. It really is a near-perfect work and is one of my favorites. I love it and I hope that it can get more attention, which it definitely deserves. Now Pragmites, go watch and buy it as soon as you can.
H. Logan Christensen
(Pragmus Alpha)
CEO of Pragmus Media
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