Tuesday, April 12, 2016

We Love Fair Use! #WTFU

So, we at Pragmus hope that all of you out there have at least heard about the fair use issues that are trying to take over Youtube and bring down successful Youtubers who make basically any reference at all to a movie, song, or other media.  As it is now, the average modern-day Youtuber has to tread on eggshells to simply publish a video online without getting it taken down for good.  Some Youtube accounts have been demolished altogether, which is totally not right, considering that critics need access to the media texts they are analyzing in order to effectively convey their thoughts and opinions.  Imagine critics not being able to publish critiques with any quotes, visuals from the film, or really anything else from a given film, song, music video, etc.  If it came down to that, well, it could be said that freedom of expression and speech would be greatly impeded.  We certainly hope that doesn't happen!

Thanks for your support, Pragmus fans!  Keep rocking our socks and support fair use!  #WTFU

Pragmus Sigma
Blog Administrator

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